With great shortages and deficient public services in Whatsapp Mobile Number List neighboring cities and towns, weak or dilapidated productive and commercial structures, besieged by the violence of guerrilla and paramilitary groups for territorial control, added to Whatsapp Mobile Number List militarization, extortion and border closures. These are spaces where a parallel reality has been built that revolves around the profitable smuggling of gasoline and, to a lesser extent, subsidized products, as well as Whatsapp Mobile Number List drug trafficking; an illicit commercial activity controlled by powerful binational networks made up of military, guerrilla, paramilitary and government officials.
In the same way, proportionally to the Whatsapp Mobile Number List worsening of the national crisis, small-scale illegal commercial activities between cities and border towns increase, explainable in social sectors forced by the circumstances of impoverishment, in the Whatsapp Mobile Number List other opportunities in a bankrupt country. Although this bleak landscape is the result of Venezuela's structural problems and to a large extent requires global solutions, the particular case of product shortages associated almost Whatsapp Mobile Number List exclusively with border traffic became the national government's favorite excuse to try to divert the focus of attention on the main origin of these shortcomings.
Which combines the failure of the Bolivarian Whatsapp Mobile Number List civic-military model, corruption and mediocre performance in government management. Thus, the sensitive image of «border-smuggling-shortage» is imposed, three evident realities, as the center of the Whatsapp Mobile Number List problem, reinforced with the militarized approach, At the same time, the same schemes used in the past decade are repeated and the differentiated treatment is ignored with the application of public Whatsapp Mobile Number List policies that take into account the precarious situation of the border habitat and explore its capacities and potentialities.